Is investing in physical gold worthwhile? 5 questions, 5 doubts, many answers

Never before have investors oscillated between the safety of rising markets and the fear of a collapse. It is therefore understandable to ask yourself questions when you need to make decisions about your capital, whether small or large. Thus, in the face of news that chase each other, between stock exchanges at the highest and omens of collapses, every investor relies on a good consultant. But let us remember that information is the best weapon in our arsenal when the winds of crisis blow.
So we have collected 5 of the most frequent doubts of our investors and we try to give answers as comprehensive as possible.
Is it better physical gold or real estate?
“But isn’t it better to invest in brick now that the moment is right?” Investing in real estate is a real tradition. United Kingdom’s are a nation of savers and have always considered properties physically safer . A house is always a house, a land can be resold at any time. What about gold? Let’s consider these factors:
- It’s a good time for real estate, but history teaches us . With the crash of 2009, even though the signs were there for some time, real estate collapsed in no time and sales stalled for years, waiting for better times. And today the value of some properties has not yet returned to previous levels. How long will it take to break even or even make a profit?
- Physical gold is a material good in all respects . It belongs to you in all respects and is easier to store and transport.
- Selling a property involves a long process and many expenses . Selling physical gold is easy, immediate and takes place on the basis of a certain and international quotation.
- Physical gold has grown steadily over the years . Not only is it not affected by economic crises, but usually reacts in the opposite way: when the stock market falls, gold rises and vice versa.
But is buying gold a risk? And when does the value drop?
The value of gold is subject to fluctuations. We have seen dizzying drops and spectacular rises in the last 2 years. Only in the last few months has it reached and exceeded its highs of the last decades several times.
Now that it is in a stagnant phase, is there a sign that it will start to decline? Does what you have invested in gold risk losing value? Absolutely not. By investing between 10 and 15% of your capital in physical gold over the long term, you protect your capital from stock market fluctuations. Over 10/15 year periods gold has always guaranteed a profit. So if there are moments of calm or even a drop in the price of gold, do not panic and cold blood: just wait.
It costs money to store physical gold, better financial gold?
“Where do I put my bar? Isn’t it better to buy shares?” By investing in financial gold (etc, etf, futures,) it is possible to earn from the fluctuations of gold without buying physical and therefore without custody costs. By buying shares, however, you expose yourself to many more risks :
- Contracts do not exactly replicate the price of physical gold in all cases and in some cases have a rather high management cost.
- Buying shares exposes you to the risk of issuer bankruptcy.
- The gold held by brokers is not yours by right and hundreds of people claim ownership of it.
Physical gold, on the other hand, is immune from bankruptcy and is yours by right, you can spend it anywhere and it is easily transportable and safe. Defects? Very few. Custody services today have very affordable costs and you can only convert your gold into cash at authorized entities and companies. But the game is worth the candle.
When you buy physical gold, we recommend one thing: do not keep it at home in a place that is no longer safe. If you have a secure safe and don’t have to store a large amount, great. If, on the other hand, you don’t have a safe or want to keep a good amount of gold, it is better to rely on professionals in the sector.
Storing gold therefore has a cost, certainly, but easily and quickly amortized over time.
I don’t have enough capital to be able to afford an ingot, what can I do?
To invest in gold it is not necessary to have a large capital. You can invest even a few hundred Euros or make an accumulation plan that allows you to create your treasure over the years. Cashforyourgold solutions are within everyone’s reach.
The sizes of Cashforyourgold gold bars range from 1 g to 1 kg. It is therefore possible to invest from a minimum of approximately € 95 to a maximum, per single piece, of approximately € 44 thousand (at the current price) in an ingot slightly larger than a normal smartphone.
Account The physical gold account embodies the flexibility of a current account and the safety of a pension fund, but with the certainty of a constant return over the long term. You can buy gold in the amount you want and at the time you feel most appropriate, without any restrictions, expiration or additional costs. Similarly, you can decide to withdraw your gold in the form of gold bars, divest it and liquidate it, in whole or in part.
Buying gold coins is a very interesting way to invest in gold. Not only for the historical interest, but because in addition to the value of gold they also have a numismatic value. While they cannot be liquidated at the same rate as bullion, they can be easily sold in case there is a need to monetize and are a great gift idea for any important occasion.
Used Gold Regeneration
Any piece of jewelry can turn into a good weight gold bar or cash if you decide to sell gold it in Cashforyourgold.
Cashforyourgold buys pure gold contained in the precious metals at a discounted price, it can resell it or melt it to create gold bars at a small manufacturing price.
Can they tax the gold I own?
Physical investment gold is exempt from VAT and is not subject to a declaration of possession obligation. Only in the resale phase is it subject to the taxation of capital gains.
So gold is worth it? Always . But be careful: gold must complement other forms of investment, such as capital protection .