How to Learn About a T-Shirt Supplier?

Are you planning to buy t-shirts in bulk?
If your answer to the above question is positive and you have spent days and nights on finding the best supplier, there is something more that you need to know – you cannot select a supplier just because you have finally found someone after a lot of efforts; you still need to know whether he (and his products) is worthy enough to supply the products and fulfil your demands.
Whether you are planning to contact a t shirt supplier to buy tees for yourself in bulk or you want to do business out of the lot, there is much more to a supplier that you need to remember.
Before you select a random supplier for your t-shirt needs, it is important for you to learn a couple of things about him. Note down the following questions and try to get their answers before you place the order for tees in bulk from a specific supplier:
For how long has the supplier been in the market?
Who is the supplier – is he the manufacturer of the product or is he the mid-man all by himself?
What kind of tees does he have? Does he have the kind of tees you like or like the ones you know you can sell them in the market to others?
How much is he charging you for a specific lot of tees?
What kind of additional charges is the supplier charging you?
Once you get the answers to all the above-mentioned questions, it becomes easier for you to trust the supplier. In order to get the answers, or in order to learn more about the supplier, visit his website, talk to your friends who buy tees in bulk for personal or business use or simply gather information from the customers of the supplier.