Entering the world of baby playthings

This is quite visibly the most fun part about childhood. There’s not a single child out there that won’t take an interest in toys and this phase can form the intuitive years of a kid’s life, based on the type of playthings.
Today, we have a wide assortment of toys to choose from. There are soft toys, puzzles and all kinds of games that can help a child learn how to tackle problems. They can nourish their intellectual growth and challenge them from early on, making them better prepared to face obstacles in their growing years.
Children love to explore and are quick learners. It’s imperative to include as much building blocks as possible to enhance their thinking capacity. They can help them develop new skills and interests.
Let’s begin with the basics, a playpen.
What exactly is a playpen?
A playpen is a piece of furniture that is designed to keep your child in a restricted area while the parents are busy attending to other chores. This will help prevent the baby from harming him/herself.
Modern playpens have a lot of features like for starters, they are portable. This allows you to carry it wherever you please and set them up in other places during travel. You also have the option of attaching a bassinet or cradle to your playpen so the baby can sleep. They have side pockets to store baby accessories like toys and some additional playthings like mobile bed bell.
Do not compromise on the price when it comes to your baby’s safety. Second hand products usually have a defective part and could cause unwarranted accidents that can sometimes lead to fatal injuries. Try and buy from well-known sources like Walmart, Target and Pinkiblue portable playpens.
History of playpens and how they came into being
In 1922, an American woman by the name of Emma Read invented the very first version of a playpen. She had two small children and wanted to provide a safe space to breathe clean air as an escape from the hustle bustle of city life. Her playpen hung outside the window.
Playpens are extremely useful for parents as they can finally put their baby down in a secure area while engaging in other small activities like answering a call or getting ready to go for work. However, parents must not become complacent in this regard. Even while in the playpen, its vital that they keep a watchful eye on them.